CV & Research


Quantitative Methods Research

Journal Articles & Chapters

Samii, Cyrus; Ye Wang & Junlong Zhou. (2025). “Generalizing Trimming Bounds for Endogenously Missing Outcome Data Using Random Forests.” Political Analysis (forthcoming) [arxiv]

Wang, Ye; Cyrus Samii; Haoge Chang & PM Aronow. (2025). “Design-Based Inference for Spatial Experiments Under Unknown Interference.” Annals of Applied Statistics (forthcoming). [arxiv]

Zonszein, Stephanie; PM Aronow & Cyrus Samii. (2025). “Estimating Causal Effects in Experiments with Network Spillovers,” in Taha Yasseri, ed., Handbook of Computational Social Science. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishers.

Samii, Cyrus. (2024). “Methodologies for ‘Political Science as Problem Solving.'” In Janet Box-Steffensmeier, Valeria Sinclair-Chapman, and Dino Christenson, eds. Oxford Handbook of Methodological Pluralism. Oxford: Oxford University Press. [preprint] [slides]

Cyrus Samii; Ye Wang; Jonathan A. Sullivan & PM Aronow. (2022). “Inference in Spatial Experiments with Interference Using the SpatialEffect Package.” Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics 28(1):138-156. [arxiv:previous version]

Dehejia, Rajeev; Cristian Pop-Eleches & Cyrus Samii. (2021). “From Local to Global: External Validity in a Fertility Natural Experiment.” Journal of Business and Economic Statistics. 39(1):217-243. [arxiv]

Aronow, PM; Dean Eckles, Cyrus Samii & Stephanie Zonszein. (2020). “Spillover Effects in Experimental Data.” In James Druckman & Donald Green, Eds. Advances in Experimental Political Science. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [arxiv] [R package on GitHub]

Samii, Cyrus. (2020). “Reasons for Policy Experimentation that Have Nothing to Do with Selection Bias.” World Development 127(C) (symposium on randomized controlled trials in development). [pdf]

Aronow, PM & Cyrus Samii. (2017). “Estimating Average Causal Effects Under General Interference.” Annals of Applied Statistics 11(4):1912-1947. [arxiv] [R package with Stephanie Zonszein available on GitHub]

Bisbee, James; Rajeev Dehejia; Cristian Pop-Eleches & Cyrus Samii. (2017). “Local Instruments, Global Extrapolation: External Validity of the Labor Supply-Fertility Local Average Treatment Effect.” Journal of Labor Economics 35(S1):S99-S147. [NBER]

Samii, Cyrus; Laura Paler & Sarah Daly. (2017). “Retrospective Causal Inference with Machine Learning Ensembles: An Application to Anti-Recidivism Policies in Colombia.” Political Analysis 24(4):434-456. [pre-print] [data & code]

Samii, Cyrus. (2016). “Causal Empiricism in Quantitative Research.” Journal of Politics 78(3):941–955. [pre-print] [data]

Aronow, PM & Cyrus Samii. (2016). “Does Regression Produce Representative Estimates of Causal Effects?” American Journal of Political Science 60 (1):250-267. [pre-print] [data & code] [erratum]

Aronow, PM; Cyrus Samii & Valentina Assenova. (2015). “Cluster Robust Variance Estimation for Dyadic Data.” Political Analysis 23 (4): 564-577. [pre-print] [data & code] [Felipe Balcazar’s Stata implementation] [Jim Bisbee & Pedro Rodriguez’s R implementation]

Aronow, PM & Cyrus Samii. (2013). “Conservative Variance Estimation for Sampling Designs with Zero Pairwise Inclusion Probabilities.” Survey Methodology 39(1):231-241. [pre-print] [supplement]

Samii, Cyrus & PM Aronow. (2012). “On Equivalencies Between Design-Based and Regression-Based Variance Estimators for Randomized Experiments” Statistics and Probability Letters 82(2):365-370. [pdf]

Samii, Cyrus. (2012). “Review of Steven K. Thompson, Sampling, Third Edition.” Journal of Official Statistics 28(3):466-468.

Samii, Cyrus. (2011). “Missing Data.” In Bertrand Badie, Dirk Berg-Schlosser, and Leonardo Molino, eds., International Encyclopedia of Political Science. Thousand Oaks: Sage. [link]


Wang, Ye; PM Aronow & Cyrus Samii. (2020) SpatialEffect: An R package for Design-Based Inference for Spatial Effects.” R Package Version 0.1. (contact for access)

Zonszein, Stephanie; Peter M. Aronow & Cyrus Samii. (2020). interference: An R Package for Design-Based Estimation of Spillover Effects.” R Package Version 0.1. [available on GitHub]

Aronow, PM. & Cyrus Samii. (2012). “ri: R package for performing randomization-based inference for experiments.” R package version 0.9.

Working Papers & In Progress

Gordon, Sanford C.; Cyrus Samii & Zhihao Su. (2025). “Data-NoMAD: A Tool for Boosting Confidence in the Integrity of Social Science Survey Data.” [arxiv]

Wilke, Anna & Cyrus Samii. (2025). “Reasons for Research Design Diversification in Coordinated Experiments.” Prepared for PS: Political Science and Politics symposium on “Data Harmonization in Political Science and Related Fields: Innovations, Challenges, and Visions for the Future.”

Wilke, Anna & Cyrus Samii. (2025). “To Harmonize or Not? Research Design for Cross-Context Learning.”

Fu, Jiawei; Cyrus Samii & Ye Wang. (2025). “Inference for Group Interaction Experiments.” [slides]

Gechter, Michael; Cyrus Samii; Rajeev Dehejia & Cristian Pop-Eleches (2018). “Evaluating Ex Ante Counterfactual Predictions Using Ex Post Causal Inference.” [arxiv] (NB: results provisional.)

Resting Papers

Zhou, Junlong; Michael Gechter & Cyrus Samii. (2022). “Learning Practical Policies for Populations with Implementation Costs.” [pdf]

Burde, Dana; Joel Middleton; Cyrus Samii & Ye Wang. (2022). “How to Account for Alternatives When Comparing Effects: Revisiting ‘Bringing Education to Afghan Girls’.” [arxiv]

Political Economy and Behavioral Research

Books & Edited Volumes

King, Elisabeth & Cyrus Samii. (2020) Diversity, Violence and Recognition: How Recognizing Ethnic Identity Promotes Peace. Oxford: Oxford University Press. [link] [website]

Sidhu, WPS, Busra Asif & Cyrus Samii, Eds. (2006). Kashmir: New Voices, New Approaches. Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers. [link]

Journal Articles & Chapters

Christensen, Darin; Alexandra Hartman; Cyrus Samii & Alessandro Toppeta. (2025). “Interest-based Negotiation over Natural Resources: Experimental Evidence from Liberia.” Journal of the European Economic Association (forthcoming).

Asimovic, Nejla; Ruth Ditlmann & Cyrus Samii. (2024). “Estimating the effect of intergroup contact over years: Evidence from a youth program in Israel.” Political Science Research and Methods 12(3):475-493.

Sullivan, Jonathan A.; Cyrus Samii; Dan G. Brown; Francis Moyo & Arun Agrawal. (2023). “Large-scale Land Acquisitions Exacerbate Land Inequality in Tanzania.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120(32), e2207398120.

Curiel, Maria Ignacia; Cyrus Samii & Mateo Vasquez-Cortes. (2023). “Democratic Integration of Former Insurgents: Evidence from a Civic Inclusion Campaign in Colombia.” Journal of Politics 85(3):919-932. [data]

Gilligan, Michael J; Prabin Khadka & Cyrus Samii. (2022). “Intrinsic Social Incentives in State and Non-State Armed Groups.” American Political Science Review 117(1):22-41. [pre-print] [data]

Slough, Tara; et al. (19 coauthors) (2021). “Adoption of Community Monitoring Improves Common Pool Resource Management Across Contexts.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118(29):e2015367118. [open access]

Christensen, Darin; Alexandra Hartman & Cyrus Samii. (2021). “Citizen Monitoring Promotes Informed and Inclusive Forest Governance in Liberia.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118(29):e2015169118. [open access]

Christensen, Darin; Alexandra Hartman & Cyrus Samii. (2021). “Legibility and External Investment: An Institutional Natural Experiment in Liberia.” International Organization 74(4): 1087-1108. [pre-print]

Aaronson, Daniel; Rajeev Dehejia; Andrew Jordan; Cristian Pop-Eleches; Cyrus Samii & Karl Schulz. (2021). “The Effect of Fertility on Labor Supply over the Last Two Centuries.” Economic Journal 131(633): 1–32. [nber]

Mvukiyehe, Eric & Cyrus Samii. (2021). “Peacekeeping and Development in Fragile States: Micro-Level Evidence from Liberia.” Journal of Peace Research 58(3):368-383. [pre-print]

Samii, Cyrus & Emily West. (2021). “Repressed Productive Potential and Revolt: Insights from an Insurgency in Burundi.” Political Science Research and Methods 9:106-121. [pre-print] [data]

Daly, Sarah Zukerman; Laura Paler & Cyrus Samii. (2020). “Wartime Networks and the Social Logic of Crime.” Journal of Peace Research 57(4):536-550. [pre-print] [appendix with model] [data]

King, Elisabeth & Cyrus Samii. (2018). “Minorities and Mistrust: On the Adoption of Ethnic Recognition to Manage Conflict.” Journal of Peace Research 55(3): 289-304. [pre-print] [appendix with model] [data]

Carnegie, Allison & Cyrus Samii. (2017). “International Institutions and Political Liberalization: Evidence from the World Bank Loans Program.” British Journal of Political Science (forthcoming). [pre-print] [data]

Mvukiyehe, Eric & Cyrus Samii. (2017). “Promoting Democracy in Fragile States: Insights from a Field Experiment in Liberia.” World Development 95(1):254-267. [pre-print & appendix with model]

Ditlmann, Ruth; Cyrus Samii & Thomas Zeitzoff. (2017). “Addressing Violent Inter-Group Conflict from the Bottom Up?” Social Issues and Policy Review 11(1):38-77. [pdf]

Ditlmann, Ruth & Cyrus Samii. (2016). “Can Intergroup Contact Affect In-group Dynamics? Insights from a Field Study with Jewish and Arab-Palestinian Youth in Israel.” Peace and Conflict 22(4):380-392. [pre-print]

Lawry, Steven; Cyrus Samii, Ruth Hall, Aaron Leopold, Donna Hornby & Farai Mtero. (2016). “The Impact of Property Rights Interventions on Investment and Agricultural Productivity in Developing Countries: A Systematic Review.” Journal of Development Effectiveness 9(1):61-81. [pdf]

King, Elisabeth & Cyrus Samii. (2014). “Fast Track Institution Building in Conflict Affected Countries? Insights from Recent Field Experiments.” World Development 64:740-754. [ungated link]

Gilligan, Michael, Benjamin Pasquale & Cyrus Samii. (2014). “Civil War and Social Cohesion: Lab-in-the-Field Evidence from Nepal.” American Journal of Political Science 58(3):604-619. [pre-print] [supplement] [data]

Samii, Cyrus. (2014). “Military Integration in Burundi.” In Roy Licklider, Ed. New Armies from Old: Military Integration after Civil War. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press. [pre-print]

Samii, Cyrus. (2013). “Perils or Promise of Ethnic Integration: Evidence from a Hard Case in Burundi.” American Political Science Review 107(3):558-573. [pre-print] [data]

Samii, Cyrus. (2013). “Who Wants to Forgive and Forget? Transitional Justice Preferences in Post-war Burundi.” Journal of Peace Research 50(2):219-233. [pre-print] [data]

Gilligan, Michael, Eric Mvukiyehe & Cyrus Samii. (2013). “Reintegrating Rebels into Civilian Life: Quasi-experimental Evidence from Burundi.” Journal of Conflict Resolution 57(4):598-626. [pdf] [data]

King, Elisabeth, Cyrus Samii, & Birte Snilstveit. (2010). “Interventions to Promote Social Cohesion in Sub-Saharan Africa.” Journal of Development Effectiveness. 2(3):336-370, 2010. [pdf]

Samii, Cyrus. (2006). “Seizing the Moment in Kashmir.” SAIS Review 26(1):65-78. [link]

Samii, Cyrus. (2006). “Conclusion: Managing Nuclear Threats After Iraq.” In WPS Sidhu & Ramesh Thakur, eds., Arms Control After Iraq. Tokyo: UN University Press, 2006.

Cockayne, James & Cyrus Samii. (2006). “UN Reform: Structural and Normative Challenges,” with James Cockayne. In Ramesh Thakur & WPS Sidhu, eds., The Iraq Crisis and World Order. Tokyo: UN University Press.

Sidhu, WPS & Cyrus Samii. (2003). “Strengthening Regional Approaches to Peace Operations,” with W.P.S. Sidhu. In Michael Pugh & WPS Sidhu, eds., The UN and Regional Security: Europe and Beyond. Boulder: Lynne Rienner.

Working Papers & In Progress

Setrini, Gustavo; Cyrus Samii & Antonella Bandiera. (2025). “Microcorporatism and Local Development: A Participatory Planning Experiment in Rural Paraguay.”

Henn, Soeren; Laura Paler; Wilson Prichard; Cyrus Samii & Raul Sanchez de la Sierra. (2025). “Seeing like a Citizen: Experimental Evidence on How Empowerment Affects Engagement with the State.”

Burde, Dana; Rena Deitz; Joel Middleton & Cyrus Samii. (2025). “Can Foreign Aid Boost State Legitimacy During Conflict? Experimental Evidence from Education Aid in Afghanistan.”

Curiel, Maria Ignacia; Cyrus Samii & Mateo Vasquez-Cortes. (2025). “Understanding the Political Stigmatization of Rebel Parties.”

Vining, Peter; Michael Gillian & Cyrus Samii. (2024). “Climates Against Violent Extremism: A Randomized Controlled Trial with University Students in Bangladesh.”

Samii, Cyrus. (2023). Revisiting Community-Driven Reconstruction in Fragile States. [UNU-WIDER Working Paper Series]

Burde, Dana; Joel Middleton; Roxanne Rahnama & Cyrus Samii. (2023). “Can Communities Take Charge? A Randomized Controlled Trial on Sustaining Schools in Afghanistan.” [pdf] [slides]

Touola Meda, Francis & Cyrus Samii. (2022). “Strategies for Overcoming Ethnic ‘Politics of Fear’.”

Bandiera, Antonella; Dongil Lee; Francis Touola Meda & Cyrus Samii. (2022). “Empowering the People: How to Promote Responsiveness to the Poor?”

Kelcey, Jo; Amy Kapit; Joel Middleton; Cyrus Samii & Dana Burde. (2021). “Community Based Education and the Struggle to Support Post-Conflict Statebuilding in Afghanistan: Lessons for non-state Service Providers.”

Commissioned Policy Reports

Burde, Dana; Heddy Lahmann; Rena Deitz; Hamidullah Gharibzada; Abdul Hamid Hatsaandh; Mohammad Jawed Nazari; Cyrus Samii & Liora Tamir. (2024). Expanding Access to Quality Education in Afghanistan. New York and London: Steinhardt School, New York University, and LAPIS Group. [project site]

Vining, Peter; Cyrus Samii & Michael Gilligan. (2021). Impact Evaluation of the Obirodh – Road to Tolerance Youth Leadership Training Program in Bangladeshi Universities. Washington, DC: NORC for USAID. [pdf]

Setrini, Gustavo; Cyrus Samii & Cynthia Gonzalez. (2020). Impact Evaluation of the Democracy, Rights, and Governance Components of USAID/Paraguay’s Inclusive Value Chains Project. Washington, DC: NORC for USAID. [pdf]

Burde, Dana; Joel Middleton & Cyrus Samii. (2019). The Assessment of Learning Outcomes and Social Effects of Community-Based Education: A Randomized Field Experiment in Afghanistan, Phase Two Outcomes Report. New York: Steinhardt School, New York University. [pdf]

Burde, Dana; Joel Middleton & Cyrus Samii. (2017). The Assessment of Learning Outcomes and Social Effects of Community-Based Education: A Randomized Field Experiment in Afghanistan, Phase Two Baseline Report. New York: Steinhardt School, New York University. [pdf]

Paler, Laura; Wilson Prichard, Cyrus Samii & Raul Sanchez de la Sierra. (2017). Survey on Total Tax Burden in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. London: UKAID/DFID. [pdf]

Burde, Dana; Joel Middleton & Cyrus Samii. (2016). The Assessment of Learning Outcomes and Social Effects of Community-Based Education: A Randomized Field Experiment in Afghanistan, Phase One Outcomes Report. New York: Steinhardt School, New York University. [pdf]

Burde, Dana; Joel Middleton & Cyrus Samii. (2016). The Assessment of Learning Outcomes and Social Effects of Community-Based Education: A Randomized Field Experiment in Afghanistan, Baseline Report. New York: Steinhardt School, New York University. [pdf]

Burde, Dana; Joel Middleton & Cyrus Samii. (2015). Community-Based Schools and Institutionalized Access to Education in Rural Afghanistan. New York: Steinhardt School, New York University. [pdf]

Paler, Laura; Cyrus Samii, Matthew Lisiecki & Adrian Morel. (2015). Social and Environmental Effects of the Community Rangers Program in Aceh. Washington and Jakarta: The World Bank. [pdf] [appendix]

Samii, Cyrus; Matthew Lisiecki, Parahsar Kulkarni, Laura Paler & Larry Chavis. (2014). “Effects of Payments for Environmental Services and Decentralized Forest Management on Deforestation and Poverty in Low and Middle Income Countries: A Systematic Review.” International Initiative for Impact Evaluation, Campbell Collaboration International Development, and Collaboration for Environmental Evidence Systematic Reviews 10(10 & 11). [link: PES] [link: DFM]

Lawry, Steven; Cyrus Samii, Ruth Hall, Aaron Leopold, Donna Hornby & Farai Mtero. (2013). “The Impact of Property Rights Interventions on Investment and Agricultural Productivity in Developing Countries: A Systematic Review.” International Initiative for Impact Evaluation and Campbell Collaboration International Development Systematic Reviews 10(1). [link]

Samii, Cyrus; Annette Brown & Monika Kulma. (2012). “Evaluating Stabilization Interventions.” International Initative for Impact Evaluation (3ie) White Paper. [pdf]

Samii, Cyrus. (2012). “Evaluation.” In Adam Smith & Arthur Boutellis, Eds. The Management Handbook: A Practical Guide for Managers in UN Field Missions. New York: International Peace Institute. [pre-print]

Mvukiyehe, Eric & Cyrus Samii. (2010). “Quantitative Impact Evaluation of the United Nations Mission in Liberia” (with Eric Mvukiyehe). Submitted to UN Office for Internal Oversight Services, February 2010. [pdf] [appendix]

Mvukiyehe, Eric & Cyrus Samii. (2009). “Laying a Foundation for Peace? Micro-Impacts of Peacekeeping in Cote d’Ivoire.” Submitted to UN Office for Internal Oversight Services, September 2009. [pdf] [appendix]

Samii, Cyrus. (2009). “Who Wants to Forgive and Forget?: Civilian Attitudes Toward Post-conflict Justice and Truth in Burundi.” Report submitted to actors and agencies engaged in the Burundi transitional justice public consultations process. April 2009. [pdf-english] [pdf-french]

Bartoli, Andrea & Cyrus Samii. (2006). Review of UN Capacities for the Prevention of Armed Conflict (contributor). Basis of Report of Secretary-General, UN document A/60/891, July 2006.

Samii, Cyrus. (2005). “Developing Peace Partnerships in Africa.” Backgrounder and report for International Peace Institute, Vienna Seminar on Peacekeeping Operations. [backgrounder] [pdf]

Samii, Cyrus. (2004). “Peace Operations in Africa.” Report for International Peace Institute, Vienna Seminar on Peacekeeping Operations. [pdf]
