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Announcements and Resources
- Syllabus (always under construction)
- Cyrus office hours sign-up
- No class on the following dates (check back for updates):
- Tue, Feb 18.
- Wed, Feb 26.
- Mon, Apr 21.
- Wed, Apr 23.
- Midterm (in class): Wed March 19
- Final (take home): Wed May 7-Wed May 14 (Final exam period).
- Sign-up sheet: (to be posted)
- Sylvan’s recitations: Thu 10am-12pm Rm 212
Lecture Slides
Causal Identification and Statistical Inference Foundations
- 1 introduction to causal effects and mechanisms [pdf]
- 2 a primer on causal identification analysis with potential outcomes and DAGs [pdf]
- 3 a primer on design-based statistical inference for descriptive quantities I [pdf]
Homework Assignments