[2024 Spring] POLS GA 1251 Quant II

Announcements and Resources

Lecture Slides

Causal Identification and Statistical Inference Foundations

  • 1 introduction to causal effects and mechanisms [pdf]
  • 2 a primer on causal identification analysis with potential outcomes and DAGs [pdf]
  • 3 a primer on design-based statistical inference for descriptive quantities I [pdf]
  • 4 design-based statistical inference for descriptive quantities II [pdf]
  • 5 design-based statistical inference for causal quantities [pdf]

Canonical Observational Designs

  • 6 conditioning to identify causal effects [pdf]
  • 7 multiple regression [pdf]
  • 8 matching and weighting [pdf]
  • 9 instrumental variables basics [pdf]
  • 10 instrumental variables extensions [pdf]
  • 11 front door criterion [pdf]
  • 12 difference-in-differences for a single event [pdf]
  • 13 difference-in-differences with multiple events [pdf] [sim output]
  • 14 synthetic control with one treated unit [pdf]
  • 15 general panel imputation methods [pdf]
  • 16 regression discontinuity introduction [pdf]
  • 17 regression discontinuity extensions [pdf]

Designing Experiments

  • 18 experimental design introduction [pdf]
  • 19 complex experimental designs and design effects [pdf]

Beyond Average Treatment Effects

  • 20 moderation and mediation effects [pdf]
  • 21 interference and spillover effects [pdf]
  • 22 multiple outcomes and multiple comparisons [pdf]
    • recent DI blog post with review of current methods: [link]
  • missing data [pdf]

Homework Assignments
